United Nations/Western Union Daily Payment Notice.

I wonder why a scammer would call himself “Temp Fred”?  Maybe because he intends to use a different name tomorrow?  Maybe because Fred isn’t his permanent name?  Who knows.  Who cares!

He’s a scammer.  You know very well that you aren’t expecting $1.5 from Malaysia to be paid in installments via WU.  If you were expecting that kind of money, you would have a proper bank transfer set up and proper paperwork to go with it.  You wouldn’t be expecting a random email from someone you’ve never heard of.  Ignore this idiot who is after your money.

You have a Pending transaction with the United Nation/Western Union Malaysia of $1,500,000 USD.You will be paid on a daily installment payment of $5,000USD to $7,600.00USD daily with western union. Please Contact Mrs. Franca Lee via E-mail ( unwumtcenter@kimo.com ) or Call +6010 3770 946 for more inquiries, also send your Names,Phone Number and Address to apply for your first installment of $7,600 USD.

Yours truly,
Temp Fred