URGENT BUSINESS PROPOSAL (urgent response required)
“Mrs Salgado” spins some ridiculous story about being a member of a bank in the Netherlands. However nobody, anywhere, is going to randomly offer millions of dollars to a stranger. Also, I would imagine that a genuine bank would manage to keep the clocks on their computers up to date. This email was sent from a computer that thinks the date is 01/11/2004
It appears this message was sent from China ( – probably by a scammer sitting in an internet cafe. Ignore this scammer who is after your money.
From: Mrs Jennyfer Salgado
I am Mrs Jennyfer Salgado and has been a member of the Board of Audit Committee Abn Amro Bank Amsterdam Netherlands. I contacted you as regards to a business proposal that will be of an immense benefit to both of us and the less privileged ones. I discovered a sum of US$21,000,000.00 Dollars Only (Twenty One Million Dollars Only) in an account belonging to one of our foreign customers Late Mr. Moses Saba Masri. He was a Jewish business mogul from Mexico that died on a helicopter crash on January 2010. Mr. Saba was 47-years-old when both his wife, and the only son Avraham (Albert) and his daughter-in-law died in a helicopter crash. You can get more information’ as regards to the crash and the death of our late customer Mr. Moses Sabna on the website address below.
The choice of contacting you aroused from the geographical nature of where you live particularly due to the sensitivity of the transaction and the confidentiality herein. Now our bank has been waiting for any of the relatives to come-up for the claim of the inheritance fund but unfortunately all efforts has been void. I personally have been unsuccessful in locating neither the relatives nor any next of kin to Mr. Saba. On this regards, I seek your consent to present you as the next of kin / will beneficiary to the deceased so that the proceeds of this account valued at US$21,000,000.00 can be paid to you.
This will be disbursed or shared in these percentages 50% to me and 50% to you. I have secured all necessary legal documents that can be used to back up this claim we are about to make. All I need is to upload your names to the documents and legalize it at the Nederlan High Court in order to prove you the legitimate beneficiary. All I require now is your honest co-operation; confidentiality and trust to enable us see this transaction through. I guarantee you 100 % success in this business.This transaction will be executed under the ambit of the law and this will protect you from any breach of the contract.
Please provide to me the following information as we have 7 working days to run it through:
1. Your full name:
2. Telephone number:
3. Contact address:
4. Age:
5. Gender:
6. Occupation:
Having gone through a methodical search, I decided to contact you hoping that you will find this proposal interesting. Please on your confirmation of this message and indicating your interest, I will furnish you with more information’s.Contact via this Email but, presently i am in Nederland so you can reach me with this phone no.00-31+685674437 morenoblair2@gmail.com,
Best Regards, From Mrs Jennyfer Salgado, Chairman Global Asset Management ABN Ambro bank Nederland Email: morenoblair@hotmail.com Tel:+31+68-56-74-437