You need to update your informations for your last order!
This sneaky little email is designed to make you panic and click “here” as instructed to cancel the order.
If you click you are taken to a web address that is NOT the apple website. (I won’t add it here as I suspect the scammer has hacked a genuine website).
You are then asked for all your financial information. My friend Roger Rabbit hopped to it and filled in the forms.
This is the first page he saw:
All he had to do was click on “unlock now” to supply missing information. Like a dutiful little bunny, he clicked. Then he was asked for his address and credit card details:
After he’d filled in his financial information, including his date of birth he was taken to a fake “verified by visa” page where he was asked for all his verification data. How do I know this was a fake page? 2 reasons – 1) Roger Rabbit is not yet 2 years old and is far too young to have a credit card. 2) All the details he filled in were totally made up – there is no such card.
If you think you have accidentally filled in your details and given these scammers your credit card details, contact your bank immediately and ask them to stop your card.
Apple Receipt
This receipt confirms payment for Candy Crush Soda Saga
You will be billed each month unless you cancel now : Click HereTOTAL
NOV 15, 2017
Candy Crush Soda Saga, S Gold Bar package Candy Crush Soda Saga, S Gold Bar package
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Candy Crush Soda Saga, XS Gold Bar package Candy Crush Soda Saga, XS Gold Bar package
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