Your Compensation Payment Is Ready
This scammer seems to have an identity crisis. He signs his email as Colin Bruce, yet in his email address calls himself jeremiahadams47@*****.com
I wonder who he really is? I never cease to be amazed at the number of scammers who think you will believe them when they tell you that your scam payment is coming from Nigeria!
Ignore this idiot, whose only aim is to take money from you.
Africa Regional Integration Program
AFCRI, Mailstop J11-1102
The World Bank
1818 H St NW
Washington, D.C. 20433
Urgent Attention Fund Beneficiary
This is to inform you about your pending compensation funds of $500,000.00 USD which the United Nations and World Bank have decided to compensate you because of your great loss in the hands of fraudsters. It is under our custody now to pay you through our affiliate bank in Africa through the Nigerian government.
Therefore you are to contact every office we direct you to for more details on how to receive your fund through world bank as they issue approval to her daughter bank Zenith Bank as your paying bank which is accredited by United Nations and World Bank.
This instruction is from the World Bank office in Washington USA and United Nations Office at Geneva in conjunction to all the all victims worldwide as your name appeared in United Nations data base as one of the victims worldwide defrauded .
This is the United Nations quest to caution the effect of the global financial crisis through World Bank, Federal Reserve Bank .
This is a signed agreement with IMF, United Nations,Federal Ministry of Finance and World Bank for an immediate release of all overdue funds presently logged in World Bank Federal reserved treasury and ensure it is disbursed to the rightful beneficiaries in any part of the world.
If you the beneficiary would adhere to this notification and instruction, it will help stabilize the various economies of the world and reduce the effect of this depressing recession.
Prior to this agreement our team of security experts has already swung into action before we contacted you for transparency and accountability of this periodic project as your payment will be made through Atm Visa Card delivered to your door step
The World Bank saddled with the responsibility of monitoring economic activities including this one which your name has been including as one of the beneficiaries.
It might interest you to know that we have conducted a comprehensive investigation on this discovery as stipulated on our protocol of operation and have confirmed that this $5.7 Million USD will be processed in a transparent manner because it is 100% genuine and hitch free from all facets.
You are to reply this letter with the reconfirmation of your personal details
Full names…………….
Current Address………………
Also for your information, you have to stop any further communication with any other person(s) or office(s) to avoid any hitches in receiving your payment,Thanks and God bless you and your family
We have our eyes 24 hours on this transaction, i will be guiding you till its successful completion.
Colin Bruce
Director, AFCRI