Your Queue Reference Number: w6823
What a made up load of old twaddle. This is just designed to frighten you. The Crown Prosecution Service will NEVER send you a random email summonsing you to court. If you are a witness in a case you will already know and will have been in communication with the solicitors who are either prosecuting or defending the case.
I don’t know what the linked page contains as the page wouldn’t load.
Just delete this email.
The Crown Prosecution Service
You’ve been witness summoned to court.
You are hereby summoned to appear to court and produce documents to the court.
It is extremely mandatory that you read the subpoena you received very closely.
This will state exactly what the procedures will be if you fail to do what is required of you.
Sincerely Witness Care Unit Agent Mr.Bryan.
Court location and primary information.
In the Central London County Court
10 November 2016
Before District Judge Worthington
Royal Courts of Justice
Thomas More Building
Court: 15
7th Floor
Clerk: Ms Atkins
Start Time and Case Details